Area Links

    • Suttons Bay Chamber of Commerce – Enerdyne is one of many unique businesses in the village of Suttons Bay. Follow this link to learn about Suttons Bay & events in the village!
    • Bob Moler’s Webpage – Bob is a long time member of the Grand Traverse Astronomical Society and has a daily ephemeris report on WIAA – Interlochen Radio. Check out his home page, it is packed with information!
    • Inland Seas Schoolship – For unique nature and science educational adventures check out the Inland Seas Schoolship in Suttons Bay!

Astronomy Links

    • Grand Traverse Astronomical Society – The Grand Traverse Astronomical Society is a nonprofit organization dedicated to to education and enjoyment of the night sky. Established in 1982, the GTAS has about 50 members from the Grand Traverse area. Meetings are held on the first Friday of every month beginning at 8 p.m. at Northwestern Michigan College’s Joseph H. Rogers Observatory
    • Astronomy Picture of the Day – In addition to a great (and current) picture, this site provides links to gather more information about the phenomena pictured.
    • U.S. at night – Check out the U.S. from space at night! Our lights provide plenty of good targets for intruders and terrorists.
    • International Dark Sky Society – Check out their recommendations for lighting and shields that reduce light pollution, increase the light level on the ground, and lower energy costs! I can think of no good reason for allowing light from fixtures to escape upward into outer space, the Moon is already bright enough.
    • Space Weather – Northern Lights!! – This site provides up to date reports of solar storms and flares, solar wind conditions, and the likelihood of Aurora events. In addition, it is a source for information on near-Earth asteroids and other potential impactors and Doomsday harbingers.
    • Martian Water – Martian water discovered so far is bound up as ice in the Northern polar cap. There may be more bound up as frozen ground. This site describes current ideas of the history of Martian water. Ground Ice — We found it! (check out the update)
    • Halos, etc. – This site explains why we often see a ring around the Moon or Sun (Lunar or Solar halo) prior to precipitation within 24 to 48 hours. A relatively bright false Sun or Moon significantly separated from the true Sun or Moon (Sun or Moon Dog) may also be a precursor to rain or snow.
    • Green Flash – When the Sun sets, fortunate observers may see a flash of green light as the Sun disappears. This link provides photographs, explanation, history, and other bits of assorted pertinent information.
    • Astronomy Resources – Good listing of basic resources

Education Links

Optics Links

Science Links

    • Powers of Ten – This site presents images of the various scales of matter in the Universe–from the very large galactic clusters to the very tiny proton.
    • The chemistry of water – This site explains why water has such unique chemical and physical behavior.


    • Data Science – Data analysis is the backbone of modern science and is within the reach of anyone who wishes to expand their horizons. The scientific world is immersed in a sea of untouched data collected in previous decades.  What are the hidden inspirations buried in this sea? There are not enough scientists on the planet for the thorough analysis which could reveal unknown treasures. Now is the time for people to embark and join our pool of experts, and this link is the path.

Suttons Bay Charm

Sleeping Bear Dunes Geology

world at night satellite view


powers of ten