The Skies of June by Dick Cookman

Highlights:  Comet Journal, Martian Landers, Meteor Showers, Summer Solstice, Planet Plotting, June Moon

Focus Constellations: Ursa Minor, Draco, Cepheus, Cassiopeia, Camelopardalis, Ursa Major, Leo, Coma Berenices, Virgo, Bootes, Corona Borealis, Ophiuchus, Hercules, Lyra, Cygnus

  • Comet Journals

June skies lack bright comets. Comet C/2020 R4 (ATLAS) moves from Perseus to Auriga during the month but has dimmed to 12th magnitude as it embarks on its long journey back to the Oort Belt. C2020 T2 (Palomar) is at 11th magnitude. It is between Bootes and Virgo in June. It will pass through perihelion on July 10, then dim as it heads eastward along the ecliptic and returns to the Oort Belt.

  • Mars Landers

Perseverance rover is serving as a communications base station for Ingenuity Mars Helicopter and documenting the rotorcraft’s historic flights. The rover is also focusing its science instruments on rocks that lay on the floor of Jezero Crater in its astrobiology mission, which includes the search for signs of ancient microbial life. On its latest flight, Ingenuity was able to land after overcoming a glitch which interrupted the sequence of navigation camera images, causing mistimed navigation corrections. 

The InSight lander’s solar panels were coated with dust as it buried its seismometer cable to improve Mars quake monitoring. Limited electrical output forced instrument shut down due to onset of winter. 

9 year old Curiosity departed from Mont Mercou at the base Sulfate Unit on May 1 and conducted observations as it resumed its ascent of Mt. Sharp. During most of May, the ascent and observations were hindered by difficulties in closing a reluctant dust cover and stowing the remote sensing mast.

  • Summer Solstice

June solstice on the 20th, at 11:32PM EDT is the longest day, but earliest sunrise occurs on 6/14 and latest sunset is on 6/27. Earth rotates 360° in 23 hours, 56 minutes. Due to orbital motion, an average of ~ 4 more minutes of rotation is needed repeat solar noon. We have an elliptical orbit, causing our rate of movement around the Sun to change (fast when close at perihelion-winter, slow when far at aphelion-summer) so the 4 minute gap varies. In addition, Earth’s axis remains tilted in the same direction as we move around the Sun, making the apparent path of the Sun through the sky change through the seasons. These two factors combine to influence rise/set times and dates. 

  • Meteor Showers

June Meteor showers include the Lyrids on the 15-16th and the Bootids on the 27th. The Lyrids are best viewed before dawn on the 16th after the waxing crescent Moon sets in Leo. The Bootids will be best in early evening on the 27th when Bootes is highest in the sky and the gibbous Moon is low. 

June 15-16: Lyrids. Active June 10 – June 21 Radiant 18h32m 35°, ZHR 8-10. 66km/sec. Waxing Crescent Moon.: Progenitor: Comet C/1915 C1 Mellish.

June 27-28: Bootids. Active June 22-July 2, Radiant 14h54m 48°, ZHR 5 variable, 18 km/sec. Waning Gibbous Moon. Progenitor: Comet 7P/Pons-Winnecke.

  • Planet Plotting

Evening planets are Mercury (+3.2 to +1.0) in Taurus, Venus (-3.8) in Taurus/Cancer, and Mars (+1.7 to +1.8) in Gemini/Cancer. Mercury is very low in the western sky and disappears at Inferior Solar Conjunction on the 10th, then moves into the morning sky. Mars is visible in early June, dropping rapidly into the glow of sunset as it approaches Solar Conjunction in July. Venus sets slightly more than an hour after the Sun in June. Morning planets include Uranus (+5.9 to +5.8), buried in dawn’s glow in Aries. Neptune (+7.9) and Jupiter (-2.3 to -2.5) in Aquarius, and Saturn (+0.6 to +0.4) in Capricornus rise well after midnight. 

June 1st’s waning gibbous Moon is 4.4° from Jupiter at 9:00AM EDT. A waning crescent Moon is 4.0° from Neptune at 1:00AM EDT on the 3rd and 2.2° from Uranus at 5:00AM EDT on the 7th. A waxing crescent Moon is 2.09° from Mercury at 9:00AM EDT on the 10th, 0.71° from Venus at 4:00AM EDT on the 12th, and 1.5° from Mars at 6:00PM EDT on the 13th. A waning gibbous Moon is 4.1° from Saturn at 8:00AM EDT on the 27th, 4.2° from Jupiter at 6PM EDT on the 28th, and 4.0° from Neptune at 9:00AM EDT on the 30th.




Planet Passages




Pisces, Aries


New Moon

 6:53AM EDT




+3.2 to +1.0

Inferior Conjunction

9:00PM EDT



Taurus, Gemini, Cancer



Gemini, Cancer

+1.7 to +1.8



-2.3 to -2.5



+0.6 to +0.4



+5.9 to +5.8




  • June Moon

June’s New Moon on the 10th at 6:53AM EDT is the start of Lunation 1218 which ends 29.35 days later with the New Moon of July on the 9th at 9:17PM EDT. At sunrise on June 10 between 5:30AM and 6:30AM, the New Moon will eclipse the Sun. The Moon is near apogee (the maximum distance position in its elliptical orbit) and is too far from Earth to cover the entire Sun, so we are rewarded with a rare Annular Eclipse, where the almost eclipsed Sun appears as a bright ring around a dark Moon. 

This event is open to the public at no charge! The annular phase of the solar eclipse is visible from parts of Russia, Greenland, and northern Canada. Weather permitting, observers in North Asia, Europe, and NE United States will see a partial eclipse as the rising crescent Sun adorns the eastern sky.

The Full Moon of June is on the 24th at 2:39PM EDT. It is commonly known as the “Rose, Flower, or Strawberry” Moon. In colonial times, the June Moon was the “Rose Moon” and in Medieval England, it was the “Dyan Moon.” Chinese call it “Lotus Moon” and Celts named it the “Horse’s” or “Mead” Moon. The Anishinaabe (Odawa & Ojibwe) people recognize it as “Odemiini-giizis” (Strawberry Moon.) Anishinaabe and other indigenous North Americans live on Turtle Island. Anishinaabe people traditionally utilized a Lunar calendar embodied by the 13 large scutes on the Turtle’s back. Each scute represents one of the Grandmother Moons “Nookimis Giizis”, and indicates seasonal changes and tasks that the people are to follow. The June (Strawberry Moon) is the right rear costal scute. 

At Lunar apogee (maximum solar distance) on June 7 at 10:00PM EDT, the Moon will be 252,418 miles (63.69 Earth radii) away. Lunar perigee is on the 23rd at 5:52AM EDT when lunar distance is 223,666 miles (56.44 Earth radii). The Full Moon is only 33 hours removed from perigee (closest approach to Earth) making it a big, bright Supermoon, though not as big and bright as the April & May Supermoons.




Moon Passages

Moon Phase

Moon Age

Sun Pisces


6:53AM EDT, 6/10 New 0 Days
Mercury Taurus


2.09°NNW, 9:00AM EDT, 6/10 Waxing Crescent 0.09 Days
Venus Gemini


0.71°NNW, 4:00AM EDT, 6/12 Waxing Crescent 1.88 Days
Mars Cancer


1.5°SSW, 6:00PM EDT, 6/13 Waxing Crescent 3.46 Days
Jupiter Aquarius


4.4°SE, 9:00AM EDT, 6/1 Waning Gibbous 20.44 Days
Jupiter Aquarius


4.2°SE, 6:00PM EDT, 6/28 Waning Gibbous 17.75 Days
Saturn Capricornus


4.1°NW, 8:00AM EDT, 6/27 Waning Gibbous 17.05 Days
Uranus Aries


2.2°NW, 5:00AM EDT, 6/7 Waning Crescent 26.27 Days
Neptune Aquarius


4.0°NNW, 1:00AM EDT, 6/3 Waning Crescent 22.10 Days
Neptune Aquarius


4.0°SE, 9:00AM EDT, 6/30  Waning Gibbous 20.09 Days


The Skies of May by Dick Cookman

Highlights:  Comet Journal, Martian Landers, Meteor Showers, Planet Plotting, May Moon

Focus Constellations:  Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Draco, Cepheus, Cassiopeia, Camelopardalis, Lynx, Leo, Virgo, Coma Berenices, Bootes, Corona Borealis, Hercules, Lyra

  • Comet Journals

Comet C/2020 R4 (ATLAS) is a long period comet from the Oort Belt. It moves rapidly from Canes Venatici to Leo in May at 9th magnitude. It was at perihelion on March 1 and was closest to Earth on April 23 when it reached 8th magnitude. 

C/2020 T2 (Palomar) is an 11th magnitude also from the Oort Belt. It is between Bootes, Canes Venatici, and Coma Berenices in May. It will probably remain at 10th to 11th magnitude during its closest approach to Earth on May 12 and as it passes through perihelion on July 10.

  • Mars Landers

The Perseverance rover utilized its MOXIE instrument to split oxygen and carbon monoxide from the carbon dioxide in the Martian air. This experiment confirmed the viability of producing oxygen for human survival on Mars and as a rocket fuel oxidizer for future Mars missions to make round trips. Perseverance also unleashed its onboard Ingenuity helicopter which successfully completed a series of 4 flights from April 19-30. Each flight was progressively longer, higher, farther, and achieved more complex maneuvers. Based on this success, NASA scientists are extending its mission and planning to utilize it as a scout for the rover. 

NASA’s InSight lander has detected over 500 quakes and registered more than 10,000 dust devils since arriving on the Mars in 2018. After discontinuing attempts to drill and place its heat flow measuring equipment at a depth of 16 feet, the solar panels on the lander became coated with Martian dust, jeopardizing the mission unless winds on Elysium Planitia pick up before winters end and the rover successfully buries its seismometer cable to improve Mars quake monitoring. 

After completing analysis of the drilling samples derived from the Nontron drill hole at the top of the Murray formation, Curiosity examined the 20 foot cliff called Mont Mercou at the base Sulfate Unit, then conducted further observations as it navigated along the base of the cliff in order to ascend around the outcrop to approach the top of the cliff to complete the Bardou drill hole on April 20 (Sol 3093.) The rover will now depart from the top of Mont Mercou and resume its ascent of Mt. Sharp.

  • Meteor Showers

Meteor showers in April include the Lyrids on the 22nd and the Pi Puppids on the 23rd. The latter is a southern hemisphere shower. The former is competing with glare from at the bright waxing gibbous Moon in Leo which, fortunately, sets before the best viewing time between 4:00 to 5:00AM.

May 5: Eta Aquarids. Active Apr 19 – May 28, Radiant 22h32m -01°, ZHR 60. 66km/sec. Waning Crescent Moon.: Progenitor: Comet 1/P Halley

May 8: Eta Lyrids. Active May 3-12, Radiant 19h08m 44°, ZHR 3, 44 km/sec. Waning Crescent Moon. Progenitor: Comet C/1983 H1 IRAS- Araki-Alcock. 

  • Planet Plotting

May evening planets include Mercury (+1.0 to +2.9) in Taurus, Venus (-3.8) in Aries and Taurus, and Mars (+1.6 to +1.7) in Gemini. Mercury reaches greatest eastern elongation from the Sun on the 17th when it presents its best apparition of the year, setting two hours after sunset. Mars sets between 9 and 10PM EDT while Mercury and Venus are very low in the western sky after sunset and appear to make a close approach to each other in Taurus on the 29th when they are less than a degree apart. Uranus (+5.9) in Aries, Neptune (+7.9) in Aquarius; and Jupiter (-2.1 to -2.3) in Aquarius and Saturn (+0.7 to +0.6) in Capricornus are morning planets. 

On the 3rd, a waning crescent Moon is 4.1° from Saturn at 4:00PM EDT. It is 4.4° from Jupiter at 9:00PM EDT on the 4th, 4.0° from Neptune at 6:00PM EDT on the 6th, and 2.2° from Uranus at 8:00PM EDT on the 10th. The waxing crescent Moon is 0.71° from Venus at 7:00PM EDT on the 12th, 2.09° from Mercury at 4:00PM EDT on the 13th, and 1.5° from Mars at 2:00AM EDT on the 16th. The waning gibbous Moon is 4.1° from Saturn at midnight on the 31st.




Planet Passages




Pisces, Aries


New Moon

3:00PM EDT





Maximum East Elongation

2:00AM EDT




-1.0 to +2.9

Venus, 0.40° NW

Midnight EDT



Aries, Taurus


Mercury, 0.40° SE

Midnight EDT




+1.6 to +1.7



-2.1 to -2.3



+0.7 to +0.6













  • May Moon

The New Moon of May on the 11th at 3:00PM EDT is the start of Lunation 1217 which ends 29.31 days later with the New Moon of June on the 10th at 6:53AM EDT. The Full Moon of May is on the 26th at 7:19AM EDT. It is commonly known as the “Corn Planting or Milk” Moon. It also is called the “Flower Moon” and will produce a Total Lunar Eclipse, the first one since January of 2019. Totality will last for 14.5 minutes, and is centered within a 3 hours, 7.5 minutes partial eclipse. The Moon will enter the Moon’s penumbra at 4:46AM when it starts to dim. At 5:46AM, the partial eclipse starts and is followed by totality starting at 7:10AM and ending at 7:28AM. Totality is followed by another partial phase which ends at 8:53AM. The eclipse favors western North America but may be visible from all of the lower 48 states and Hawaii, most of Alaska & Canada, all of Australia and Oceania, and southeast Asia. USA east coast observers may get a glance of the final stages of the partial eclipse. 

Lunar apogee (maximum solar distance) is on May 11 at 6:00PM EDT. The Moon will be at 252595 miles (63.73 Earth radii), its largest distance in 2021. Lunar perigee occurs 9 hours, 28 minutes before Full Moon on the 25th at 9:46PM EDT when the Moon is at 222117 miles (56.02 Earth radii). The proximity of the Full Moon to closest approach to Earth makes it appear big and bright, the 2nd Supermoon in a row, the biggest and brightest of 2021!

In colonial times, the May Moon was the “Milk Moon” and in Medieval England, it was the “Hare Moon.” Chinese call it “Dragon Moon” and Celts named it the “Bright Or Dyan” Moon. The latter name refers to the Goddess of Animals, woodlands, and the hunt who could talk to and control the animals. Anishinaabe (Odawa and Ojibwe) people recognize it as “Zaagibagaa-giizis” (Budding Moon,) when the Sun sends the white owl to escort Winter back to the deep, cold snows of the north.




Moon Passages

Moon Phase

Moon Age

Sun Pisces


3:00PM EDT, 5/11 New 0 Days
Mercury Taurus


2.09°NNW, 4:00PM EDT, 5/13 Waxing Crescent 1.73 Days
Venus Taurus


0.71°NNW, 7:00PM EDT, 5/12 Waxing Crescent 0.85 Days
Mars Taurus


1.5°SSW, 2:00AM EDT, 5/16 Waxing Crescent 4.14 Days
Jupiter Aquarius


4.4°SE, 9:00PM EDT, 5/4 Waning Crescent 22.94 Days
Saturn Capricornus


4.1°NW, 4:00PM EDT, 5/3 Waning Crescent 21.73 Days
Saturn Capricornus


4.1°NW, Midnight EDT, 5/31 Waning Gibbous 19.06 Days
Uranus Aries


2.2°NW, 8:00PM EDT, 5/10 Waning Crescent 28.81 Days
Neptune Aquarius


4.0°NNW, 6:00PM EDT, 5/6 Waning Crescent 27.81 Days