The following is a Spectrum of some of the Spotting Scopes available from Enerdyne

(click on underlined models for descriptions)

Spotting Scope value:

less than $0

Garage Sale Scopes, Trashscopes, & Closet Fillers are not available from Enerdyne.


Vixen Nature Eye Telescope


Celestron Travel Scope™ 70 DX Portable Telescope



Celestron Ultima 65

Celestron Ambassador Desk 50 Spotting Scope


Orion Apex 90 Maksutov Cassegrain Spotting Scope

Nikon ProStaff 3 Fieldscope Outfit

Celestron Ultima 80 Spotting Scope

Celestron Trailseeker 80 Spotting Scope

Celestron Ultima 100 Spotting Scope

C-90 Maksutov Cassegrain Spotting Scope by Celestron

Orion Apex 127 Maksutov Cassegrain Spotting Scope


Celestron Regal M2 80ED Spotting Scope


Opticron MM4 60 Spotting Scope

C-5 Schmidt Cassegrain Spotting Scope by Celestron

Opticron MM4 77 Spotting Scope






Kowa TSN-553 Prominar Fluorite Spotting Scope


Kowa TSN-773 Prominar Spotting Scope






Swarovski Modular 65 Monocular Spotting Scope

Swarovski Modular 65 Binocular Spotting Scope


Swarovski Modular 85 Monocular Spotting Scope

Swarovski Modular 85 Binocular Spotting Scope


