The following is a Spectrum of some of the Spotting Scopes available from Enerdyne
(click on underlined models for descriptions)
Spotting Scope value:
less than $0
Garage Sale Scopes, Trashscopes, & Closet Fillers are not available from Enerdyne.
Vixen Nature Eye Telescope
Celestron Travel Scope™ 70 DX Portable Telescope
Celestron Ultima 65
Celestron Ambassador Desk 50 Spotting Scope
Orion Apex 90 Maksutov Cassegrain Spotting Scope
Nikon ProStaff 3 Fieldscope Outfit
Celestron Ultima 80 Spotting Scope
Celestron Trailseeker 80 Spotting Scope
Celestron Ultima 100 Spotting Scope
Orion Apex 127 Maksutov Cassegrain Spotting Scope
Celestron Regal M2 80ED Spotting Scope
Opticron MM4 60 Spotting Scope
C-5 Schmidt Cassegrain Spotting Scope by Celestron
Opticron MM4 77 Spotting Scope
Kowa TSN-553 Prominar Fluorite Spotting Scope
Kowa TSN-773 Prominar Spotting Scope
Swarovski Modular 65 Monocular Spotting Scope
Swarovski Modular 65 Binocular Spotting Scope
Swarovski Modular 85 Monocular Spotting Scope
Swarovski Modular 85 Binocular Spotting Scope