NexStar SE

4”…$679.99 w/ 53x EP
5”…$939.99 w/ 50x EP
6”…$1099.99 w/ 60x EP
8”…$1599.99 w/ 81x EP
Maksutov-Cassegrain (4”) & Schmidt-Cassegrain (5”, 6”, 8”) telescopes
The SE Models combine the classic heritage of the original orange tube telescopes with the latest state-of-the-art features:
…..StarBright XLT high transmission coatings come standard
…..Quick release fork arm mount, optical tube and accessory tray for no-tool setup
……Celestron’s unique patented single fork arm with integral hand control design provides a rigid and smooth operating structure for the optical tube
……StarPointer finderscope to help with alignment and accurately locating objects
……Sturdy computerized altazimuth mount
……Ultra sturdy steel tripod with accessory tray
……Star diagonal provides a comfortable viewing position when observing objects that are high in the sky
……Computerized with proven NexStar computer control technology
……40,000 object database with 200 user-definable objects and expanded information on over 200 objects
……SkyAlign allows you to align on any three bright celestial objects, making for a fast and easy alignment process
……Flash upgradeable hand control software and motor control units for downloading product updates over the Internet
……Custom database lists of all the most famous deep-sky objects by name and catalog number; the most beautiful double, triple and quadruple stars; variable star; solar systems; objects and asterisms
……DC Servo motors with encoders on both axes
……Autoguider port for long exposure astrophotography
……Double line, 16-character Liquid Crystal Display Hand Control with backlit LED buttons for easy operation of goto features
……NexRemote telescope control software included for advanced control of your telescope via computer
……GPS-compatible with optional CN16 GPS Accessory (93963)
………$119.99-$139.99…X-CelLX 2x Barlow or Orion 2x Barlow (doubles EP power)
Power source: one of the following
………$39.99…AÇ Adapter w/ 25 ft. cord
………$99.99…Standard Power Tank
…….$184.99….Lithium power tank
Filters: one of the following
…….$ 39.99….Variable Polarizer – blocks glare on Moon or bright Planets
…….$129.99….Stargazer Filter Kit includes:
……………………Var. Polarizer
……………………4 color filters – enhance planet & lunar views, emphasize detail
……………………Skyglow filter – blocks light from Mercury and Sodium vapor lights & ionized O2 skyglow (orange dome over cities like TC or other sources of light pollution). It also enhances emission nebulae views by darkening the background sky and emphasizing red end of spectrum
Reference books – $variable
Additional eyepieces…~$100.00+ each (higher power or wider views)
CrossAim eyepiece…….$ 109.99 (facilitates initialization process)
StarSense Autoalign…..$459.99 (automatic initialization)
Sky Portal…………………$139.99 (sets up local wifi connection for control of telescope with free app on smart phone or pad)
Solar Filters – $variable
…..white light filter (view of sunspots, etc.)
…..hydrogen alpha (view of flares, prominences, etc.)
Additional color Filters – $variable
Camera Adapter & T rings for your camera or Smart Phone Adapter
I will stop here. (for now)