Enerdyne’s Geology department.
Display Minerals, mineral study sets, mineral testing supplies, mineral identification books, and minerals for your collections are all available in Enerdyne’s Geology department.
The fuel efficiency of Voyager 2 (in mpg) is quite impressive. Even though most of the launch vehicle's 700 ton weight was due to rocket fuel, Voyager 2's great travel distance of 7.1 billion km (4.4 billion mi) from launch to Neptune resulted in a fuel economy of about 13,000 km per liter (30,000 mi per gallon). As Voyager 2 streaks by Neptune and coasts out of the solar system, this economy will get better and better!As of March, 2002, Voyager II is up to 53,182 miles per gallon as it approaches a distance of 84 AU's (1 Astronomical Unit = ave. distance from Earth to Sun ~ 93,000,000 miles).The average distance of Pluto from the Sun is 39.5 AU's and Proxima Centauri (the closest known star beyond the Solar System) is at a distance of over 900,000 AU's.If you were to travel at a speed fast enough to take you around the Earth in one second, the trip to Proxima Centauri would take you one billion seconds--about 31 years, 251 days.